Turn your kitchen scraps into superfood for soil with compost solutions at home. We’ll help get you started composting however best fits your lifestyle.
Reducing food waste and regenerating soil are two of the best ways to help reverse climate change. Composting does both.
Learn HOW COMPOSTING HELPS CLIMATE CHANGEThe food system begins and ends with compost. Your locally based agriculture needs its locally based compost counterpart. Let's heal the soils right here in Los Angeles so we have healthier food, cleaner air, and more water.
Not all soil is created equally. We focus on the most sustainable means of composting. Our goal is to keep food scraps as close to the source as possible. This ensures resources stay where they are needed and communities aren't exploited.
The strongest, most stable ecosystems have diversity and redundancy. We believe the same is true for human systems, like composting. That is why we provide multiple solutions to accomplish this big task for each unique situation.
Compostable wants to reach net zero environmental impact. So we choose eco-conscious suppliers and work with nonprofits committed to a sustainable future.
OUR ImpactTurning food waste into nutrients for healthy growing is one of the best ways to help cut greenhouse gas emissions and revitalize depleted soils.
ENVIRONmenTAL BENEFITSFrom providing meaningful employment to inspiring collective action, we're all about building more sustainable communities.
COMMUNITy SUPPORTConsumer activism works! By spending on products and services that align with your values, you help change the larger system.
Whether taking to friends or advocating to local government, tell your network how much you love community composters like Compostable.
Studies show we all care about the environment, but we need to believe others care, too. Join our community of soil advocates being their change they wish to see.
Composting is one small act with many large benefits - but doing it on your own can be challenging. We get it! That's why we handle the difficult parts for you. Just by partnering with us, you’re supporting a whole eco-friendly community!
Why should we compost? What's a community composter? Is this too good to be true? Let's nerd out.
Currently Compostable serves LA's Westside, Eastside, Central & Valley neighborhoods. We are always expanding, so please contact us if you live in the area.
Reach out and we'll help you find the best way you can turn your kitchen scraps into soil superfood. We've got solution that best fits your individual lifestyle.
We all know somebody who seems to have everything – but they probably don’t have a composting solution! Give a gift that keeps on giving back in so many world changing ways.