
Greening the Workspace

Cultivating Sustainability through Office Composting
April 29, 2024

It can be daunting to launch a composting program at work with all the finances to allocate, logistics to arrange, and individuals to persuade and educate. Don’t do it alone! We’ll help you navigate these challenges: from the initial desire to start composting till the moment you reach your workspace’s highest diversion potential – nothing less! Together, we can empower your team to make a change! 

Get started by submitting an inquiry here or read along for a few tips.

Team engagement at a farm tour of Moonwater Farm.
  1. Identify your goals.

Knowing where you want to go definitely helps in getting there, right? Ask yourself what you are attempting to achieve with your program and the next steps will unfold naturally

Those questions will define the path you and your team will take towards a more sustainable workspace and determine where to focus your efforts. 

  1. Location, Location, Location.

Identifying the areas where the organic material is already most present in your workspace will help you determine where to set up collection bins and signage, but also where to focus your energy to make habit formation as easy as possible. 

  1. What Goes In?

Composting can be a real piece of cake when you provide the appropriate tools. That means not only curated and clear signage but also rethinking your office’s use of disposables. The less doubt possible, the better. Of course, we favor reusables when it comes to dinnerware but for situations where disposables are the only option, the choice of said disposables can make your composting journey an easy-peasy task or a real nightmare. 

Vetted compostable disposables on our shop.

Imagine this: coffee cups - all made of truly compostable material (no PFAs aka plastic film in there - no no no), palm plates, and sturdy bamboo forks and spoons. Once done with your lunch, there is no standing over the bins confused on to put it your items - everything can be composted! 

Curious to see how cute and affordable compostable disposables can be? Message us to access our Members’ Exclusive Shop.

  1. Be strategic when pitching eco-initiatives.

Like any other project, inviting composting to your workspace involves some expenses, whether you choose to act solo or team up with Compostable. Most businesses follow a set calendar when it comes to making financial decisions: a budget is built and approved of and then the rest of the year is guided by those decisions. 

Our team is here to help you navigate these waters, all along the way. Reach out to get started and build a plan with us.

  1. Unearthing the ‘Why?’
Founder, Monique at a Composting 101 workshop

Understanding why composting is important and, we’ll say – magic – is at the heart of any successful lifestyle change, whether it’s in the office or at home. The most valuable tool to achieve that? Education. Our workshops have the superpower of getting everyone excited about composting. A nice little push in the back to kickstart your composting program.

Check out our workshop offerings.

Interested in signing up for a pilot program? Reach out!

What is Compost?
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Greening the Workspace
Cultivating Sustainability through Office Composting
April 29, 2024

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