
From Scraps to Soil - Learn About the Magic of Composting.

Book an educational workshop with Compostable.
March 4, 2024

You know us, we’re trying to spread the word about community composting...

whether that’s by advocating for decentralized systems, promoting local farms, or the simple fact that returning nutrients back into the soil makes environmental, social and economical sense.

In the spirit of showcasing the power of community composting, one avenue we love to take is workshops. Why you’d ask? Because we get to chat about compost for an hour or two AND we get to meet our community IRL. Talk about a treat! We believe that the path towards climate resiliency and community well-being is through education. Our workshops are a powerful tool to engage your group in a meaningful (and fun!) way.

With Earth Day just around the corner, it’s the perfect time to book an educational workshop for your community, office, event, or anywhere it would be meaningful.

It’s never too late to join the movement and start feeding the soil right here in LA! Book a workshop!

Our current workshop offerings include:

1. Composting 101

With Monique, Founder of Compostable

This presentation establishes a strong composting foundation by diving into the basics. What is compost? Why is it important? How can you get started? Attendees will leave with an in-depth understanding of composting concepts and terminology so they can meaningfully engage in this eco-movement going forward. 

2. Ask Me Anything: Compost Edition

With Monique, Founder of Compostable

This interactive conversation gives participants the opportunity to ask a compost expert all their burning questions. We’ll thoughtfully engage with your group, making composting accessible in any space. Researching the web is great, but there's nothing like having access to a person in real-time! Participants gain focused, up-to-date knowledge on composting systems, policy, and/or wherever the conversation leads. 

3. Fermented Composting aka. Bokashi

With Teresa, our Soil Expert

Leave it to Korea and Japan to invent a composting method that packs a punch in value and efficiency, especially in small spaces. Participants will learn to use fermentation to convert food scraps into compost, a soil amendment which adds necessary nutrients and improves soil integrity. Get your hands dirty and learn to make the inoculated flake material that plays a key role in this simple fermentation driven process. 

4. Worm Composting aka. Vermicompost

With Teresa, our Soil Expert

Did you know worms are valuable decomposers? In this workshop, participants will explore the versatile ways to use worms, primarily red-wigglers, to compost and set them up for success at home. Let's get wigglin' with these happy organic recyclers!

5. Hot/Cold Composting

Let's get down to basics - learn all about the most ancient recycling process in this workshop. Why is some compost hot and some not? In this workshop you will learn some basic science around the process to see what is really going on in those piles. In appropriate host spaces we can even interact with hot or cold composting systems that are in place as an interactive element to bring this knowledge to life.

5. Upcycling Seedling Pots

Starting your own veggies, herbs or flowers doesn't have to be expensive - this workshop will give some creative ways to upcycle everyday materials into seedling pots to start your next garden. During this workshop we will also cover making your own seeding soil and best practices for growing and planting once your seeds sprout!


What are workshops like?

The Compostable workshop experience varies based on the topic of choice and your group. We have a wide range of offerings from seminars to interactive hands-on workshops. You can count on every workshop to be engaging, accessible, and educational. 

*If there is a topic your group is particularly interested in, let us know! We are always looking to expand our offerings and can customize any workshop to fit your needs. We’ve even done personalized garden planning workshops in the past!

Why do we offer workshops?

We believe that the path towards climate resiliency and community wellbeing is through knowledge sharing. Our workshops are a powerful tool to engage your team in a meaningful (and fun!) way. After participating in a Compostable workshop, participants are equipped with the language to be an advocate for community composting in their own networks. 

How long are the workshops?

Each workshop is one hour long. We also offer a 2 hour option for our interactive workshops (Bokashi and Vermicomposting). 

Who are these workshops for?

Anyone can participate in our workshops. They can be adapted for the needs of any group or setting, including schools, workplaces, productions, community events and more! All are available virtually or in-person (in-person for Los Angeles area only).

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