
More Than Just Compost

When you compost with Compostable, you're doing much more than diverting your food scraps from the landfill.
March 4, 2024

We keep every sticky note and every letter. It's those small acts of kindness that make us feel like we’re really part of the community.

When you compost with Compostable, you're doing much more than diverting your food scraps from the landfill. You're creating local jobs for the compost drivers, onsite staff, and the rest of our team. You're helping small-scale farmers in Los Angeles heal and feed their soil. You're promoting an entire local ecosystem and economy. You're reducing truck emissions by keeping your food scraps within the city of LA. You're creating carbon sinks that clean our air and waterways.

Thank you for your community, and thank you for everything else too💛

As a small business, we greatly appreciate donations to support our work. 

Donations help us prove that small-scale systems don't mean small impact. Community composters like us wouldn’t be possible without the collective action of our neighbors. Together we can heal the soil locally.

Donate to our work.

Tip your driver.

Leave us a review.

What is Compost?
There’s a noun and a verb for composting.
July 18, 2024
Why We Host Compostable Farm Day
Compostable Farm Day is one of our favorite parts of the year. We're so grateful to share them with you.
May 21, 2024
Greening the Workspace
Cultivating Sustainability through Office Composting
April 29, 2024

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