
Why Composting in the Office Makes a Difference

Be at the forefront of sustainable business practices.
March 26, 2024

Tackling climate change is the challenge of our century and it can be quite a daunting one – even more so as a business given the various stakeholders and operational demands. At Compostable, we’ve got you. Consider us the green glove service when it comes to diverting organic material from the landfills and using it as a resource directly in your community. Be at the forefront of sustainable business practices by joining the community composting movement.

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Community Composting: the answer to climate change - and soil health.

Composting, and especially community composting, allows organic material to become resources rather than waste. By returning your office’s food scraps to the soil locally, you ensure those essential nutrients go back into the soil to feed the plants that feed us, closing the food-to-food loop and creating a hyper-local food system. Plus, keeping it local saves the emissions from traditional hauling models - a win-win situation.

Learn more about the many powers of community composting here.

Be a Changemaker: get started at your office.

Let us take the lead in your efforts to compost in the break room, offices, and anywhere there are organics onsite. We’ll review your current flow and identify the best composting solutions for you. Personalized educational signage and materials are included to make it a piece of cake to know what goes into the compost bin and what doesn’t. We also offer compostable disposables that have been vetted to truly break down in the soil and offer consulting on switching to reusables. 

Bringing composting to the office is exciting and provides much needed relief to climate anxiety! Included in our corporate packages is a Meet-and-Greet event, an informational setup to engage with your team, educate about the ‘why’ of composting, and giveaway compost tea bags made from the food scraps collected from members like you!

All the Perks - Beyond Diversion

Your composting journey doesn't end there. Our corporate packages offer more options for you to expand your reach towards sustainability. 

Ready to unlock your potential? 

As we continue to opt for an urban landscape that values biodiversity, composting locally and closing the food loop directly on-site is a game changer. There is so much untapped potential when it comes to composting at the workplace. You and your team have the power to make a change that positively impacts our city’s ecosystem. Be at the forefront of sustainable business practices by joining the community composting movement today!

Compostable is a woman-owned, small business operating across Los Angeles since 2019. 

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